Islam is a religion of peace, goodness and creation Islam is a religion of peace, and its values should serve the purpose of consolidating society, maintaining unity and stability, overcoming separatism, strengthening peace and harmony. It is important to unite the efforts of the state and religious Muslim organizations.
At present, Islam is subjected to a massive attack through the media.
One of the most exploited is the notion that Islam is unscientific, archaic, and drags society into the Middle Ages. However, the famous theoretical physicist Abdu Salam, director of the International Institute for Theoretical Physics and Nobel Prize winner, claims that he became a physicist because of the call and guidance of the Quran. The Quran explicitly states that it is the duty of a Muslim to be educated, literate, and therefore useful to society.
Muslim scholars have made many discoveries in mathematics, astronomy, optics, and many other fields of human knowledge. Moreover, these discoveries were made under the direct influence of the study of the Qur’an. In the field of mathematics, Muslims invented algebra. Arabic numerals were transformed into European numerals and are still in use today.
Long before anyone else, Muslims had attempted to measure the thickness of the atmosphere in order to determine the time of the first glimpse of dawn. The first scientist to take this measurement was Ibn Muad, in the 11th century. In the field of anatomy, Ibn al-Nafis was the first to describe the circulatory system. In the field of astronomy, using unusually precise mathematics, Sanad Ali proved in the twelfth century that the Earth is smaller than the Sun but larger than the Moon.
Every year the number of adherents of Islam around the world is increasing. It is noteworthy that in Europe and America it is mainly due to scientific and creative intellectuals. The media has reported time and again that a number of prominent scientists, luminaries of science have adopted Islam.
The great French scientist-oceanographer, initiator of research of sea depths, inventor of the aqualung, underwater house, author of many popular books and films Jacques-Yves Cousteau is known all over the world. But few people know that the scientific research he carried out and the reflection of many scientific signs in the Quran led him to convert to Islam and he died a Muslim. The world-famous researcher said that choosing Islam was the most correct decision of his life.
Roger Harodie, a French writer and philosopher, former member of the French Communist Party and editor-in-chief of Humanite, accepted Islam on Friday, July 3, 1982, the month of Ramadan, thereby shocking the public in the West.
Wilfried Hoffmann, a Master of Laws at Harvard University, a doctor of law at Munich University, a high-ranking official of the German state apparatus who rose to the rank of ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary, accepted Islam and additionally took a new name, Islam.
Professor Tasajah Tasajon, one of the greatest scientists in the field of anatomy, said: “For the past four years, I have been drawn to the Holy Quran that was handed to me. I believe that what is mentioned in the Quran 1,400 years ago is a truth that can be proven scientifically.”
Professor Schrader of Greece said: “Truly, what is said in the Qur’an is a truth that scientists are discovering today. I think it is very important to communicate this to scientists all over the world.”
Professor Alfred Korner of the United States, one of the world’s foremost biologists said: “Man 1,400 years ago, knowing nothing about nuclear physics, could not comprehend with his mind the truth that the Earth and other planets were created alike. I believe that if you collect the information contained in the Qur’an, including the Earth and its origin and science in general, you can say that this information is reliable and true, and it can be proved by scientific methods.
The famous French scientist Maurice Bukai, who converted to Islam, wrote: “If I had known the Koran earlier, I would not have gone blindly in search of a scientific solution, I would have had a guiding thread.