Your religion has to match your personal philosophy. It’s a set of life principles and tenets you associate yourself with. You can’t be a Christian today and Jewish tomorrow. If your soul is hungry for a new spirituality, you should take this urge seriously. Converting to a new religion is not a gameplay at
According to the Pew Research Center, around 106 million people will give up on Christianity to become a part of the growing collection of converts or religiously unaffiliated. Will you be converting to a different religion? Make sure to consider the following things first.
Ask Yourself “Why?”
Converting to a new religion needs you to answer a few serious questions. What are you looking for in a new religion? What are your reasons for converting? Do you actually believe in a new spirituality, or is it just convenient? Are you doing the conversion for yourself or for someone? The answer to the last question is probably the most dangerous one. For example, many people do convert to a new religion to signify their bond with their spouse. And this is a bad thing to do. You will cause a lot of harm to yourself and make yourself regret your decision in the future. Moreover, you will commit a huge sin. Religion is not a game to play. It is meant to be an actual reflection of your soul.
Do Research
It’s not enough to like the traditions and tenets of a different religion to proceed with convertion. You should take some time diving deeper into details – know the historical context, cultural background, spiritual and religious practices, and mythology associated with a religion. Apart from learning the conversion process, study the religious texts, get involved in religious conversations, and take part in theological debates. This will give you a better understanding of what you might put yourself into.

Be Prepared to Become an Outsider
Most new converts describe an initial feeling of exclusion in their community. For example, being Christian in Turkey or being Muslim in Poland may cause some confusion, especially at the beginning. You will look like the majority of the religion’s followers, and even if you do, not following certain traditions will make you stand out.
Remember That You Put Yourself for a New Commitment
Converting to a new religion doesn’t mean becoming a nun or something of that kind. But it surely imposes new responsibilities on your shoulders. You should take them seriously before it gets too late. Converting is a life-changing decision, while a conversion process itself takes more than a year.
While learning about different beliefs and spirituality is good, it’s important to assume that you’ve rooted yourself. You must realize the level of commitment before you formally approach another believer. try to find a person who did something similar, ask him what exactly you need to do for this. I don’t think you will be denied help.
Prepare Yourself for Possible Backlash from Family and Friends
Your parents gave your certain religious beliefs as part of your upbringing. So they most likely won’t be happy about your decision. Your friends may also have some concerns about your sudden interest in a new spirituality. Despite these reactions, only you know what’s best for you. You decide yourself what to believe in. You are fine as long as you don’t hurt anyone. Your friends and family may never get it, but you should rely on your own feelings only. The main thing is to treat their beliefs with the same respect that you want them to treat yours.
Therefore, changing one’s religion is an important and personal decision, and every person has the right to freedom of religion. If you decide to change your religion, then go through all the points above, and make the final decision for yourself. The main thing is to be 100% convinced that this is what you need, because then you can really wish about the choice you made. And don’t forget to warn your family so you don’t have any disagreements about it later.